I tried to be the perfect wife…
How does the saying go? Fit, Feminine, and Friendly? I hit all the targets.
Worked hard to keep the house clean, and hot meals ready for you every day.
Always there to listen to you go on and on about work. A loyal soldier at your side when you needed it.
And how did you repay me?
Well, that’s over and done with. It’s all in the past.
But now you’ve come crawling back? You’re willing to do whatever it takes to get me back?
Well, we’re going to have a little fun now. Now YOU’RE going to be the “Perfect Housewife”.
You’ll become the sissy maid to end them all…
Let the Sissy Training Begin!!

Want some fun phone sex and SEXT with a witty, mature, woman?
Or maybe you just have a fantasy about being wallet raped by a manipulative ex?
If so, I’m here to fulfill your fantasies!
Your Ex Wife is standing by waiting for your text or call…
Honestly, I am loving texting/sexting right now. Since I am a creative writer in my “square” job, this just feels more natural and I have the funniest, wildest RP’s via chat. Also, it’s easier for me to send pictures…including Nudies of me for tributes. ^_~
But I’m also available for phone chat too…
Are you good and mad yet, Ex-Husband? Yep! I’m showing my pussy off for money. NYAH!!
Check Out my NiteFlirt listings and other webpages: